Monday, May 25, 2020

Planning For A Future Career - 3243 Words

Introduction Taking the steps to enroll in higher education, completing the courses, and earning a degree are all important aspects in career development. However, many other aspects need to be considered while planning for a future career. While it may seem very overwhelming, I am hoping that by completing this Flexible Career Plan this whole process will help me feel a little less overwhelmed. Each chapter in our textbook, Creating Career Success by Fabricant, Miller, and Stark (2014), will assist me with gathering information, evaluating that information and coming to conclusions on how to peruse the right career. We will begin with Chapter two and travel through the book ending in chapter ten. Some of the topics we will cover will be,†¦show more content†¦Continue using, learning, training and adapting the skills to new environments are all necessary to maintain the skills I already have and are motivated to use. According to Fabricant, Miller, and Stark, We develop skills thru past employment, experiential learning, past courses/projects, extracurricular activities and volunteer work. (Fabricant, Miller, Stark, 2014). I can continue to educate myself by taking classes, reading, and researching more about these skills, asking for help when I struggle and by never giving up. Other options are join groups that help develop these skills or volunteer to help others. I could also start using these skills in other areas of my life to get more practice with them. I currently volunteer at an elementary school reading to children and at a DV/SA shelter. These experiences are allow me to using my skills and gain new ones every day. The level of motivation a person has to take the steps to maintain and build skills are very important. I am currently more motivated than I have ever been in anything. I have overcome so many challenges in the past two years. I realized two years ago that I was the only one holding me back from accomplishing my goals and once I realized that I learned that I could do anything and be good at it. I am talented and I would rather try and fail than not try at all and spend the rest of my life wondering how I would have been at something. I do not want to die with

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